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Asckey all booked to exhibit at the HEFMA Leadership Forum 2024

The HEFMA Leadership Forum is the UK's most innovative healthcare estates event. This year’s event will take place on 9th and 10th May.

For over 25 years the Health Estates and Facilities Management Association (HEFMA) has represented estates and facilities management within the NHS across England. Their members are responsible for managing the day-to-day operation of all hospitals within an NHS Trust, including maintenance and support services.

The HEFMA Leadership Forum 2024 is being hosted at the Telford Exhibition Centre, offering the best in conferencing and exhibition facilities.

Where you can find us

Phil Wright, Commercial Director, and Rebecca Whitwham, Marketing Executive, will be attending this year.

Where:                Stand 9

When:                  Thursday 9th May 2024: 08:30 – 16:45pm / Friday 10th May 2024: 08:30 – 11:30am

Swing by to say Hi and we may even give you a sticker!

Each delegate receives a pack that includes the Exhibition Prize Draw incentive passport. Visit the stands to collect a coloured sticker, and add it to your passport. Once you have collected 20 stickers you can be entered into the draw to win one of two £250 shopping vouchers.

If you’re attending the event and would like to arrange a time to come and talk to us then please contact us and we will see you there.

What to expect

The conference is held annually with each year having a different theme. This year’s theme is ‘All change, on the track to recovery.’ The event provides a learning experience for the delegates with lots of key takeaways, and for the exhibitors, it’s an opportunity to meet face-to-face with key estates and facilities professionals.

The two-day event also includes the annual HEFMA Awards Dinner. The evening aims to recognise and celebrate the outstanding efforts and achievements demonstrated within healthcare estates and facilities throughout the past year. The dinner will also include a grand prize draw in aid of the North West Air Ambulance Service.

Over 60 companies will be exhibiting at the event as well as guest speakers in the main conference hall.

We look forward to seeing you there!


HEFMA has strong links with Estates and Facilities professionals in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. 

HEFMA works with NHS England and NHS Improvement, advising on matters concerning Estates and Facilities, including new standards, and, through its membership, helping NHS Trusts to deliver against new policy and performance programmes for non-clinical activities.

If you would like to join HEFMA or find out further information then please click here.



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