Asckey Data Services

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Tasking and Survey: Getting the to do list done

In any large organisation, there’s a constant cycle of auditing to ensure you’re at the top of your game, but it takes time and resources. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to make auditing more efficient, less time consuming and to do it without blowing your entire budget?

Facilities Management is an enormous task whichever way you look at it and in a large NHS Trust there’s the added pressure of ensuring that not only are you meeting NHS standards, but you’re also prioritising patient care in everything that you do. It’s not an easy job, so when it comes to Computer-Aided Facility Management (CAFM) software it’s crucial that it simplifies planning the operations and management of your buildings and is a welcome addition to the team. 

Investing in audits, made easy

However, taking on an entire CAFM package is a big, and costly undertaking, and it’s just not possible for everyone. At Asckey we think we’ve got the answer, splitting our cloud-based software into stand-alone FM Tasking and FM Survey options that organisations can purchase to meet just those specific needs.

The software can be used by a wide range of teams, from cleaning and infection control right through to portering and maintenance, to provide an instant audit capability. It will also facilitate the immediate creation of tasks to resolve any issues uncovered during the audit process. In short, it’s streamlining auditing and could make a big difference to your organisation.

Say goodbye to silo working

Our FM Survey software gives you the capability to create any type of survey you want and add it to handheld devices, enabling your team to carry out auditing on the go. Whether you’re checking bathrooms and toilets for Legionella requirements, or auditing fire doors across an entire building, using FM Survey will give you those results quickly and with less errors than a manual audit.

Used in conjunction with our FM Tasking software, it allows you to receive immediate responses from your audit and, if an issue is highlighted you can then create tasks as you go. For example, if an internal cleaning audit flags up a problem, but it needs input from maintenance to solve ,then the software will allow the cleaning team to generate a task for the maintenance team in order to get the issue sorted and the cleaning target met.

Gone are the days of completing checks using a paper-based survey sheet and heading back to the office to raise a job ticket for a colleague in another team to action. FM Tasking and FM Survey mean it can all be done electronically as soon as a problem is identified. Not only does this greatly reduce the amount of time auditing takes up, going paper-free also means you have a clear audit trail when it comes to actions to take – and it’s good for the environment too!

This is a real bonus in organisations such as hospitals where local audits also demonstrate that national standards are being met, and upkeep of areas involves input from several teams across a trust. It creates a full circle of communication that is clearly visible and makes life simpler and more efficient for everyone. When it comes to measures like the NHS National Cleaning Standards you can be confident that you’ve got a clear overview of all the work being carried out to ensure that your trust is compliant.

Part of the CAFM family

Whilst FM Tasking and FM Survey can be used as products in their own right, they can also be added to our other FM software options to create a full CAFM cloud-based offering.

As specialists in cloud-based software we understand the importance of a joined up approach, but we also know that not every organisation needs an entire CAFM system, which is why we offer our FM Tasking and Survey software as stand-alone products.

The beauty of a cloud-based system means that all parts of the system have the capability to talk to each other – as with FM Tasking and FM Survey – but you have the flexibility to only purchase the parts that your organisation needs. It’s a more flexible, and economical, approach then investing in a whole CAFM system and only utilising a small percentage of its capability.

For us as a company, creating cloud-based software gives us much more flexibility, we can upgrade and adapt the software knowing that our clients will have instant access to the latest version. We can add additional functionality as we continue to develop the software packages, without our clients having to constantly upgrade all of their own systems as well. It also means we are able to support our clients more easily.

Quality kept simple

We’re firm believers in a simple, straightforward and open approach and both our software and customer support is testament to this. From the moment you contact us, we assign you a dedicated account manager who will stay with you throughout your entire journey with Asckey. They’re at the end of the phone or email whenever you need them and they are trained software specialists, which means they’ll work with you to resolve any issues rather than referring you to another team.

If you’re considering upgrading the way you audit, streamlining the way you task or are indeed looking into you next CAFM system, why not get in touch and find out how we could support your organisation.



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