Asckey Data Services

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Feature focus: Managing Assets and Tasking

Facilities managers have always faced challenges as they seek the most effective way of managing their assets. This includes keeping asset information up to date and easily accessible; particularly in terms of asset availability, maintenance status and acquisition/disposal.

Many of these challenges have been overcome by replacing the traditional Excel-style spreadsheets with digital platforms that offer significantly greater functionality. Modern asset management software has, therefore, in many cases evolved into a wider facilities management system. This has resulted in increased efficiency and reliable access to asset information that has become as important as the asset itself.

Such integration means that asset information can be woven throughout an entire FM system. This enables organisations to seamlessly marry traditional asset management functions such as recording of and tracking an asset’s lifecycle with other key FM operations such as Tasking, PPM, and Mobile functionality.


Such integrated functionality has now enabled it to have a major impact in the increasingly sought-after area of Compliance Management. A facilities management package can help organisations manage and mitigate risks associated with asset use.

As part of our commitment to effective asset management, we are also partners of The Building Services Association (BESA). This partnership means we are able to provide a direct link between an asset, BESA’s standard/HTM range of maintenance schedules, and the subsequent maintenance activity.

From buildings to equipment, the purpose of such software is to help organisations manage their assets in a more cost-effective, efficient, and informative way.

By having such a system in place, organisations can prove compliance with regulatory, industry, and local standards. It can also allow them to benchmark their performance, and identify opportunities for development and growth. In addition, it can assist organisations that have or are considering embarking on achieving and managing ISO 55001 accreditation.

What can Asckey offer?

Asckey’s asset management functionality is part of our comprehensive CAFM system, fmfirst® Estates. The software is used by NHS Trusts up and down the country.

We also recognise that some organisations may not require a full CAFM system but instead, need elements of one to help manage their facilities effectively. This is why, over the years, Asckey has begun converting some of the modules within their CAFM software into stand-alone cloud-based applications. This includes fmfirst® Survey and fmfirst® Tasking, with more to follow as part of our fmfirst® product suite.

Each application is developed with the option of integrating, where relevant, with others from the suite or even third-party applications. As a result, organisations can pick and mix the applications they need to build their own facilities management toolkit.

At Asckey, we aim to help keep facilities management simple; helping the right people get the right information at the right time. If you’d like to discover more about our applications, then please get in touch.



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